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How to Boil Down Tokyo to the Must-see Locations

How many travel guide books have been written about Tokyo? Countless. That’s because there is so much to see and do, rendering it difficult to capture the true essence of a city like Tokyo in a concise article. Everyone who visits can find something to do, whether it’s shopping or taking in culture or eating from one end of the city to the other.

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Please Do Not Smoke While Walking

After wandering the streets for a bit, we walked into Mos Burger, the Japanese version of McDonald’s-like establishment, seeking a burger. This place is all the rage for Tokyo residents on the go. I ordered a spicy burger with chili on top.

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Bowl of Ramen

When you think of ramen, it’s often as a meal that comes in little bags and costs maybe 13 cents each — the perfect meal for starving college kids. Well, it’s time to rethink ramen.