Much like this boat, we’ll soon be departing from the port. However, and luckily for this boat, it’s returning to Auckland sooner than we are.
It was great to revisit a few favorite haunts and experience some new ones. There were boats, planes and trains. Less we forget the coffee. Man these people dig coffee, and I dig it!
My wife and I visited Aotearoa two years ago in the middle of the most trying circumstance we’ve ever faced, and it was such a needed — and calming — getaway. This time we saw it in a whole new light, and loved it just as much…maybe more.
It helps put so much in perspective.
The Land of the Long White Cloud is home to endless beauty, wonderful surprises and some of the most unique experiences imaginable. While all good things must come to an end, I’m glad to add this trip to the history.
I can’t wait to review the couple hundred — okay, thousand! — photos I took and start planning the next trip. Like this ferry (and I guess Gen. MacArthur), I shall return!