Year: 2013

Kennedy assassination sites bring to life that fatal day in Dallas
The shooting death of President John F. Kennedy 50 years ago today forever changed a nation and opened five decades of conspiracy theories. While there is plenty of room for some to discuss the veracity of the Warren Commission report, here is a checklist of some of the must-see places on a visit to Dallas.

Home where Oswald stayed night before Kennedy assassination opens as Ruth Paine House Museum
Lee Harvey Oswald spent his last night before allegedly assassinating President John F. Kennedy with wife, Marina, and friend, Ruth Paine, at Paine’s home. The home, restored to the look of that night, Nov. 21, 1963, opens Nov. 6, 2013 as the Ruth Paine House Museum. Events that unfolded at the home are taken from historical record and relived by actors through video projection.