Month: January 2011

Murphy: Immigration reform bill offers tweak to existing laws
By Sen. Jack Murphy My colleague, Sen. Bill Heath, possibly said it best. Georgians, he said, are known world wide for our hospitality and common sense. But when we look at the rising rates of illegal aliens and the staggering financial burden it places on our residents, it is time for our common sense to take precedence over our hospitality. This week, I am submitting legislation intended to make it more difficult for illegal aliens

Deal appoints liaisons for Atlanta public schools
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal has appointed liaisons between his office and Atlanta Public Schools, which is in danger of losing its accreditation. As liaisons, Georgia House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams and Atlanta attorney Beth Beskin will attend Atlanta school board meetings and report back to Deal on any progress made during those meetings. “I am calling on these two leaders to work on behalf of Atlanta’s children,” Deal said in a statement. “This week