Month: August 2010

DNR: Play it safe on the water this Labor Day
With so much focus on the highways this Labor Day, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources is encouraging boaters to play it safe on the water. “Holiday weekends often mean increased use of public waterways – and that means an increased need for safety awareness from all boaters,” DNR Chief of Law Enforcement Col. Homer Bryson said in a news release. “As always, conservation rangers will continue to strictly enforce all boating laws in an

OSHA cites SeaWorld of Florida following animal trainer’s death
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited SeaWorld Orlando for three safety violations, including one classified as willful, following the death of an animal trainer in February. The total penalty is $75,000. “SeaWorld recognized the inherent risk of allowing trainers to interact with potentially dangerous animals,” Cindy Coe, OSHA’s regional administrator in Atlanta, said in a news release. “Nonetheless, it required its employees to work within the pool walls, on ledges and on shelves

AA to start charging for first rows of coach
ATLANTA — American Airlines is starting to charge travelers on domestic flights who want to sit “in the first few rows of Coach, including bulkhead seats in that cabin,” the airline announced this week. As part of its Express Seats service, travelers who pay for such a seat can board with the first group of coach passengers who board the plane. The fees range from $19 to $39. “Express Seats highlights American’s focus on offering