John Quincy Adams, President; John C. Calhoun, Vice President
For President: | Total |
Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee | 99* |
John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts | 84* |
William H. Crawford, of Georgia | 41 |
Henry Clay, of Kentucky | 37 |
For Vice-President: | Total |
John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina | 182 |
Nathan Sanford, of New York | 30 |
Nathaniel Macon, of North Carolina | 24 |
Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee | 13 |
Martin Van Buren, of New York | 9 |
Henry Clay, of Kentucky | 2 |
Total Electoral Vote: | Total |
261 | |
*No choice for President having been made by the people, the election devolved upon the House of Representatives, and John Quincy Adams was elected, receiving the votes of thirteen States to seven for Andrew Jackson and four for William H. Crawford. |