Smyrna Ward 6 Election: A Q&A with candidate Brant Suddath

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Brant Suddath, senior director of HR at the Home Depot, is one of five candidates vying for the Ward 6 post in Smyrna.

He has lived in Smyrna for 15 years.

Alexander Backry, Shaun Black, Tim Gould and Idella Moore also qualified. Early voting for the May 22 election began on April 30.

The winner succeeds Doug Stoner, who stepped down in February to run for the state’s Public Service Commission.

What are the biggest issues facing Smyrna (and specifically Ward 6)?

As your Councilman, my priorities will be to continue to maintain Smyrna’s high standards for smart growth and redevelopment, while addressing long term planning on our quality of life, transportation infrastructure and other issues. To do this, I believe the following points are crucial:

– Equipping and Training Those That Affect Our Community – I will work with our school and community leaders – both private and public – to build on their strengths and see that they are recognized for their successes. Likewise, it will be my priority to know that our fire and police officials have what they need to do their best job and keep our citizens safe.

– Ensure Accessible and Affordable to Public Facilities – This is where we work, play, and send our children to school. We all appreciate the value of quality athletic programs, parks, libraries and recreational facilities. They are a key part of what makes Smyrna one of the best places to live in the Metro Atlanta area. I will be your voice to keep these vital parts of our community accessible and affordable.

– Accountability and Transparency – I will drive an open dialogue in order to hear citizens’ concerns and priorities. Communicating through e-mail, newsletters, phone, video blogs and in-person conversations will not only strengthen our community, but guarantee the accountability and transparency of myself and other city officials.

Why should voters cast a ballot for you?

I believe that my corporate, non-profit and community experience uniquely qualifies me for this role. Currently I am the Senior Director of Human Resources at The Home Depot, where I have been since 2006. I have served as the President of the Board at Covenant Christian School in Smyrna for the past five years and I served on the Board at Emory Adventist Hospital in Smyrna. I have served as my HOA President for my neighborhood and I have been a Smyrna Little League coach for over ten years. Additionally I serve as an Advisory Board Member at DoubleNet Pay. I have lived in and served the Smyrna community in multiple roles for the past fifteen years.

What legislation or initiatives do you plan on pursuing as a council member?

While the City already provides impressive services and amenities to our citizens, there are always opportunities for growth and improvement. The initiatives I would list as priority include:

– Improved sustainability support with curb side pickup for recycling glass and curb side pick-up of leaves that have been raked or blown to the curb.

– I am a proponent for strengthening the “tree save” requirements in the City of Smyrna in order to better conserve these valuable community resources.

– Adding unpaved bike and walking trails and additional sidewalks in our neighborhoods – Additional programs and activities such as new/fresh community special events, adult fitness and wellness programs, and before and after school programs.

– High on the list is our collaboration and connection with the Cobb County Board of Education. We need to be regularly communicating with our Board of Education representative to ensure Smyrna’s voice is heard.

– I am a proponent of term limits for all elected City officials.

– Finally as I talk with small business owners in Smyrna, they tell me that opening a business in Smyrna should be easier than it is today. I think we have an opportunity at the city level to make our processes more transparent and predictable for business owners. I will ensure that we make this priority and that we hold ourselves accountable to that end.

What else would you like voters to know?

This community has developed into a great place to live, work and raise a family. With success and progress comes challenge … and in the coming years the decisions that we make on topics such as redevelopment, business growth and transportation will have a direct impact on our ability to continue building a strong sense of community. I’m running to provide a pro-business and pro-family voice for every citizen of Smyrna. We have a vision for the future and I will work to ensure that the decisions we make support business growth while balancing the interest of family and community growth.

For more information, visit

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About Todd DeFeo 1675 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and

1 Comment

  1. As a past resident in the neighborhood Brant currently Sr rves as HOA president, I can attest to his leadership and compassionate leadership qualities. He has the innate ability to enact real change in Smyrna and is genuinely propelled to progress Smyrna forward in all areas of citizenship. Vote for Brant!!!

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