City replaces PARKatlanta with new on-street parking program

We all engage in little traditions, but we usually do so on a family-basis -- rarely does the whole town get involved. And yet, that's exactly what happens in the village of Oberammergau in Bavaria, Germany, where townspeople come together every 10 years to put on a huge Passion Play, involving over a thousand actors.

ATLANTA — PARKatlanta is no more. The city has replaced the muchmaligned parking agency with a new parking management organization.

City officials last week announced SP+ was selected to manage the City’s on-street parking program, ATLPlus. The municipal division of SP+ will provide parking enforcement, meter maintenance, collection and citation processing services.

ATLPlus will allow customers up to 14 days to contest a citation online, in person or by mail, the city said in a news release. Each contested citation will be reviewed by the Department of Public Works’ Administrative Review Process.

The purpose of this process will be to determine if the citation is valid or invalid. This will provide increased oversight of SP+ and rapid feedback regarding the validity of a parking citation.

Administrative reviews will be conducted by specially trained staff in the Department of Public Works and within 15 business days each contested citation will be reviewed and individuals will be notified of the validity of their parking citation. Citations that are invalid will be dismissed, while citations that are upheld can be paid or further disputed at the Atlanta Municipal Courts.

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