Georgia State completes deal for Turner Field

It’s official. Georgia State University and Carter have officially purchased Turner Field.

“The sale of Turner Field to Georgia State University and Carter is a significant step forward in the ongoing revitalization of the Summerhill, Peoplestown, Mechanicsville, Pittsburgh, and Grant Park neighborhoods and strengthens Georgia State University’s position as one of the leading universities in the nation,” Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed said in a news release. “It is also a key component in our broader effort to make major infrastructure, transit and aesthetic improvements in this part of the city. For the first time in more than 30 years, the promise of a best-in-class mixed-use housing and retail development will be realized.”

Georgia State, the largest public university in Georgia, plans to turn Turner Field into a football stadium. The school is also planning to build a baseball park where Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium once stood.

In addition to the sports facilities, the school and Carter are planning to build a mixed-use development that includes student housing, residential, retail and office space.

“This is an important day in the history of Georgia State, and it provides us with another opportunity to demonstrate our ability to make transformational changes that are mutually beneficial for our university and our downtown community,” Mark P. Becker, president of Georgia State, said in a news release. “We deeply appreciate the confidence Mayor Reed has shown from the beginning in our plan to develop the Turner Field site.”

The Atlanta Braves, the current tenants of Turner Field, are leaving the city for a new park under construction in Cobb County.

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