ATLANTA — Dozens of Georgia counties will be under a state of emergency starting at 2 p.m. today.
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal yesterday declared a state of emergency for 50 counties in the northern part of the state.
“With forecasts showing we could see accumulation by 4 p.m., I want to make sure we get as many commuters home before then as possible,” Deal said in a statement. “While current models show that temperatures will remain above freezing, we don’t want to run the risk of having normal rush hour traffic volume if there’s snow or ice on the highways. In an effort to keep as many cars off the road as possible, I encourage people in both the public and private sector who can telecommute to please do so tomorrow.
“We have delayed the state of emergency until the time that we expect to see precipitation, but I’ve made all state resources available tonight for preparation.”
Georgia officials have taken a more cautious approach to dealing with inclement weather this year and are looking to avoid a repeat of last year’s events that paralyzed the city for days. Various state agencies, including the Georgia State Patrol and Georgia Department of Transportation, are deploying extra resources to keep roads clear and keep motorists safe.