A Georgia lawmaker wants to allow motorists to refuse to sign for traffic tickets.
State Rep. Yasmin Neal, D-Jonesboro, introduced House Bill 1054, which follows the death of a motorist last fall after he declined to sign an Atlanta Police Department traffic ticket.
Under HB 1054, a ticketed motorist may sign the citation to acknowledge receipt of the citation and the obligation to appear for trial. Additionally, the ticketing officer would advise the person that signing the citation is not an admission of guilt and that failure to sign would result in the person having to appear for trial.
If someone does not sign the citation, it would constitute reasonable cause to believe that the person would not appear at trial, and the officer would write “Refusal to Sign” on such citation. This would then mandate that individual to appear before a judicial officer or traffic violations bureau.
If the individual does not appear in court, a failure to appear would be issued, resulting in a suspended license.
HB 1054 has been assigned to the House Committee on Motor Vehicles.