BUFFALO, N.Y. — “Buffalo” wings are a mainstay of tailgates and parties.
But, unlike a lot of the food we eat today, the origins of this favorite dish are well-known: Anchor Bar.
According to the story, as Dominic Bellissimo tended bar on March 4, 1964, some of his hungry friends arrived. Bellissimo asked his mother, Teressa, to make some food.
Teressa fried some chicken wings and covered them with a secret sauce. The rest, as they say, is history.
The bar added “Buffalo” wings to the menu, and people flock there today to take a bite of history.
Anchor Bar first opened in 1935. Since then, the restaurant has opened several other locations in upstate New York and Ontario.
The restaurant claims its wings as the “Best Wings in the World,” and they may be right.