Georgia House District 40 Election: A Q&A with candidate Taryn Chilivis Bowman

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SMYRNA, Ga. — Taryn Chilivis Bowman, owner of Cast My Home LLC, is one of two candidates vying for the Republican nomination for District 40 seat in the state House.

Bowman and Matt Bentley, are aiming to replace Rich Golick, a Republican, who is not seeking re-election. Early voting is under way for the May 22 election.

On the Democratic side, Erick Allen and Sandra Bullock are vying for their party’s nomination.

What are the biggest issues facing the district and the state?

My priorities as your next State Representative will be providing a great education for children, safe communities for families, and jobs for our local residents as a result of a growing economy.  Fortunately, these are areas I have experience in while my young primary opponent has none.  In education, I worked to open the doors of a public state charter school and served on its board, providing a great learning environment for my children and hundreds of others. In public safety, I raise hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in private funds to buy equipment and pay police officers to patrol our neighborhoods. In addition, I own my own small business that fills a need in our economy and provides an income for myself and others.  I have signed the front and back of a paycheck.  I am the only candidate who has experience in these key areas.

Why should voters cast a ballot for you?

Experience matters! I have a proven track record of serving the communities within District 40.  From kicking off a dynamic charter school, working with and supporting our police officers, working to lower property taxes by joining the Board of Equalization to advocate for and bring back information to my community, being appointed to a county task force to strategically tackle the problem of human trafficking, presiding over a 1,200 home neighborhood, to fighting blight for neighbors in Smyrna, I have earned the trust of our citizens through service. My opponent talks about what he hopes to do. I talk about what I have done and will continue to do for our district. Serving as State Representative for this community, I will use my three decades of experience to continue my service to District 40 in the State House.

What is the first legislation or initiative you plan on pursuing as a House member?

I will work to provide more options in education for children and families. Parents and children need to be able to find the right education solutions for their families, just as I have worked to do for my own. I will fight to ensure we have great public schools, charter schools, private schools, virtual charter schools, and home schools – options which all Georgia families should have to provide a great education for our students and a prosperous future for our state. Beyond K-12, we need to provide greater technical and career training for those choosing not to pursue a traditional four-year degree.  Unfilled jobs exist today due to lack of a trained workforce, and expanding these opportunities will keep Georgia’s economy strong. I will also work to lower income taxes leading to eventual elimination of the state income tax to remain competitive with other Southeastern States and to make sure that property taxes are kept in check as to not tax people out of their homes due to surrounding new developments.

What else would you like voters to know?

I have lived, worked, been educated, and raised my children in the communities of District 40 for decades, before my opponent was even born. I have lived and served consecutively in the district for the past 15 years, before my opponent could even vote. And, I am qualified to begin working on day one as your State Representative.  I have the experience and dedication to make a difference because I have done so already. My opponent is a young man who has no record of community service. His father is a lobbyist, and he is being supported by political insiders and career politicians for their own benefit. More of the same old, same old?  No way. This election is about trust, and the voters in District 40 can trust me, Taryn Bowman, to represent them and their communities at the Gold Dome.

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About Todd DeFeo 1675 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and