METUCHEN, N.J. — Sometimes a trip isn’t about taking in an art gallery or museum. It’s about returning to a place that holds special meaning.
For me, that is the train platforms in Metuchen, N.J.
This commuter suburb is a great place to watch trains. It is funny how you can identify a city by a single attraction or activity. To me, Metuchen is all about watching trains.
Situated along the famed Northeast Corridor, about 25 miles from New York City, Metuchen sees dozens of — mostly passenger — trains every day. N.J. Transit commuter trains stop regularly, while regional and long-distance Amtrak trains blow through the station without stopping.
It was watching trains on these very platforms many moons ago I grew to love trains. Returning here to watch trains has been on the docket for some time, but so many other plans seemed to take priority.That changed this October. My wife and I took a few hours one day to make the 45-minute journey from New York to Metuchen.
We explored the city, had breakfast and lunch and more importantly watched trains. It might seem like a simple — or even silly — activity to do on a vacation, but it is one I have been wanting to do for some years.
I cannot wait for my return trip.
Click here to read more about watching trains in Metuchen.