ATLANTA — The new year for Buckhead and Atlanta started off right when the first segment of PATH400 opened on Jan. 9.
The 5.2-mile walkable and bikeable greenway is located on public land along Georgia Highway 400. Once finished, the path will extend from the bank of Peachtree Creek to the northern edge of Atlanta.
The second phase of the project, which will connect Old Ivy Road to Wieuca, is currently under construction. It is expected to be completed in 2016, according to the Buckhead Community Improvement District (CID).
A July survey of more than 200 Buckhead residents by the North Buckhead Civic Association revealed widespread support for the project and other greenspace. Nearly 80 percent of survey respondents had a positive reaction to PATH400, with more than 50 percent registering their reaction as “like it a lot,” the survey found.
“We are really glad to see such a positive reaction to PATH400,” Denise Starling, executive director of Livable Buckhead said in August. “A lot of the credit goes to the extensive public engagement process that we followed during the design phase. We received really good input from residents, and many of those suggestions were incorporated into the final plans. A project of this scale is never going to be 100 percent satisfactory to everyone, but we’re glad to see that – on the whole – the community has embraced PATH400.”
PATH400 is the centerpiece of a broader greenspace plan, the Buckhead Collection, initiated by Atlanta Councilman Howard Shook. Livable Buckhead is spearheading the PATH400 project in partnership with the Buckhead community and organizations.