Atlanta Braves looking to build maglev to Turner Field

ATLANTA — The Atlanta Braves are looking to add a maglev train connecting Turner Field with the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), the city’s mass transit system.

According to published reports, the Braves are partnering with a Marietta-based company, American Maglev Technologies, on the proposed connection.

Currently, anyone taking public transportation to the Braves’ stadium must transfer from the subway to a bus. While a rail link to Turner Field has been discussed over the years, one has yet to be built, prompting the recent maglev train proposal.

“We think this is a huge opportunity to not only solve a huge problem for us but show the world what this technology can do,” WSB-TV quoted Mike Plant, vice president of the Atlanta Braves, as saying.

As it stands now, according to reports, the Maglev train would connect with MARTA at the Georgia State station, roughly a mile from the stadium. But, that would require the maglev line to cross interstates and surface streets in addition to stadium parking lots.

According to the WSB-TV report, the system would be built, operated and maintained with private funds.

There are currently a handful of maglev trains in operation around the world — in Japan, China and South Korea. Maglev trains have also been proposed in countries around the world.

The new maglev train could also help with the Braves’ desire to see more retail and restaurants developed around Turner Field.

While city and MARTA officials have looked to expand the city’s subway system, new tracks haven’t been brought into service since 2000. However, elsewhere in the city, crews are working on a new streetcar line that will connect MARTA with a number of popular tourist attractions.

When it opens, the 2.7-mile streetcar line will connect with MARTA, the city’s transit system. Future plans call for the new streetcar to tie into the Atlanta BeltLine, a public-private partnership that is building walking paths along a ring of mostly abandoned railroad right-of-ways that circle the city.

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About Todd DeFeo 1675 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and