Atlanta, Georgia
A view of Downtown Atlanta on March 1, 2014. (Photo by Todd DeFeo)

Atlanta can be a daunting city to visit.

For starters, it’s enormous, especially when considering the entire metropolitan region. Visitors will likely need a car, and the summers can be hot.

As a result, for many people, Atlanta is merely a connection point on a flight, rather than a destination. Not surprising, considering transportation led to the creation of Atlanta, a city not situated on a river or a significant body of water.

The city’s location was selected because it was at the end of a major rail line (hence the city’s original name: Terminus). But the city has a great history.

From the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement to the 1996 Summer Olympics, the “Gate City” has always found itself at the forefront of global events. Despite its size and geographic footprint, it is possible to take in the city’s must-see attractions over a long weekend or a few short days, but visitors can explore it for as long as they would like.

Perhaps best of all, it’s home to incredible food.

What to See

Where to Eat and Drink
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Photo of The Dwarf House

The Dwarf House

The Dwarf House, originally named the Dwarf Grill, is where the famous Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich was first invented by Truett Cathy in 1946. Cathy asked his customers to test the boneless chicken sandwich until he perfected the recipe in 1964.…Read More
Address 461 North Central Avenue Hapeville Georgia 30354 United States Phone: (404) 762-1746 Website:

The Dwarf House, originally named the Dwarf Grill, is where the famous Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich was first invented by Truett Cathy in 1946.

Cathy asked his customers to test the boneless chicken sandwich until he perfected the recipe in 1964. The restaurant was named the Dwarf Grill because of its small size, and it has always been located at 461 Central Avenue.

Over the years, the Dwarf House has undergone various renovations, including adding a porch and chimney stack with the restaurant’s name in 1957. The original building was demolished in 1967 and replaced with the Hapeville Dwarf House, which served customers until March 2021.

On February 17, 2022, a newly designed Dwarf House opened its doors, paying homage to all the previous buildings. The new building features reclaimed bricks from the 1967 building, a front patio where the original 1946 building stood, a stone chimney honoring the 1957 building, and entryway lanterns reclaimed from the 1967 building.

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Reasons to Visit
  • Deep history covering the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Relatively decent weather yearround
  • Some of the best restaurant options in the country