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Perdue: Taxes could increases, services decrease because of health care

ATLANTA – Georgia residents might soon have to pay more in taxes and government services might have to be cut because of last night’s health care vote, Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue warned today. “This vote will force an additional billion dollars or more of Medicaid spending per year, requiring either a tax hike or offsetting cuts to public safety, education and other core services of state government,” Perdue, a Republican, said in a statement. “While

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Ga. dems likely to vote no on health care

By Todd DeFeo / (c) 2010 News Service When the House votes on its controversial health care bill on Sunday, two Georgia Democrats are expected to vote in opposition. Both John Barrow, whose district includes the Savannah area, and Jim Marshall, whose district includes the Macon area, are expected to vote “no” to the health care bill. “I am strongly in favor of reforming the health care system, but I don't think this bill

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Ga. dems could vote no on health care

By Todd DeFeo / (c) 2010 When the House votes on its controversial health care bill on Sunday, two Georgia Democrats are expected to vote in opposition. Both John Barrow, who represents the Savannah area, and Jim Marshall, who represents the Macon area, are expected to vote 'no' to the health care bill. “I am strongly in favor of reforming the health care system, but I don't think this bill is going to do it,

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State closing Milledgeville prison

ATLANTA — The state is closing the 700-bed Bostick State Prison in Milledgeville. The closure is effective May 1. By closing the prison, Georgia Department of Corrections officials say they could save upwards of $6.7 million annually in operations costs. “While budget cuts are the result of this closure, the first priority for the Department is to maintain safe and secure prisons,” DOC Commissioner Brian Owens said in a news release. “We will continue to be good

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Reps. push for random drug tests for recipients of public assistance

ATLANTA — Recipients of unemployment benefits might first need to pass a drug test under legislation a Toccoa Republican filed this week. Rep. Michael Harden, R-Toccoa, proposed the random drug testing for anyone who receives state unemployment benefits or state administered federal assistance. Anyone under 18 years old would not be subjected to the test, and it wouldn't be required for anyone receiving help for medical care. “(This bill) prevents people who use drugs illegally

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Ga. Senators: Rein in deficit spending

ATLANTA – Georgia’s two senators announced new legislation aimed at reining in deficit spending. As part of the Honest Expenditure Limitation Program (HELP) Act of 2010, all “non-security” discretionary spending would be frozen at 2008 levels. The move, according to senators, would net a $900 billion  savings over the next decade, an estimated $634 billion more than a similar concept that President announced. “Balancing the federal budget is an obligation that those of us in