Gov. Henry McMaster makes two disaster declaration requests following Tropical Storm Debby

COLUMBIA, South Carolina – Gov. Henry McMaster requested a Presidential Disaster Declaration and a U.S. Small Business Administration disaster declaration for eligible counties due to Tropical Storm Debby, which landed in South Carolina on Aug. 8.

The requests follow extensive damage assessments that determined more than 900 homes were damaged, with public agency costs and infrastructure damage projected at more than $16 million.

The Presidential Disaster Declaration, if approved, would provide FEMA Individual Assistance Program help to residents impacted by the storm in Charleston, Colleton, and Dorchester counties. The request also includes all categories of the FEMA Public Assistance Program for state and local government agencies, in addition to eligible non-profit organizations in Bamberg, Barnwell, Berkeley, Colleton, Dillon, Dorchester, Georgetown, Hampton, Horry, Jasper, Orangeburg, and Union counties

If activated for South Carolina, the Individual Assistance Program would provide direct financial assistance to residents who incurred uninsured property damage as a result of the storm. FEMA Individual Assistance may also provide for other needs on a case-by-case basis.

The Public Assistance Program reimburses applicants for the unexpected, extraordinary costs of recovering from a major disaster. FEMA pays 75 percent of this aid, and the division of the remaining 25 percent will be determined later.

In addition, McMaster’s SBA Disaster Loan Program request includes Berkeley and Orangeburg counties. If approved, businesses and residents of these counties may be eligible to apply for low-interest disaster loans.

This is an initial request for federal assistance through FEMA and the SBA. If approved, additional counties may be added based on need.

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