Georgia undertaking survey to understand impact of COVID-19 on travel

Explore Georgia has tapped the University of Georgia to conduct a survey to understand the impact of COVID-19 on travel sentiment and behavior.

The University of Georgia’s Hospitality and Food Industry Management Program will conduct the survey.

Officials hope the survey provides insights into how much the pandemic has impacted travel and tourism in the Peach State. It also aims to identify considerations for recovery planning at the state and local levels.

Palazzo Vecchio
About Sightseers’ Delight 868 Articles
Sightseers’ Delight started publishing in June 2016. The site, published by The DeFeo Groupe, collects and curates content about places where historical events large and small happened. The site builds off the legacy of The Travel Trolley, which launched in June 2009. The site aimed to be a virtual version of the trolley tours offered in so many cities.