(The Center Square) – As 18,102 more Nevada residents filed new unemployment claims for the week ending May 23, the state is preparing to reopen casinos and other businesses deemed nonessential during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Nevadans have done an incredible job helping to flatten the curve and I want to again thank you for understanding the severity of this health care crisis and for taking the necessary precautionary measures, like making a face covering a part of everyday wear,” Gov. Sisolak said. “Our collectiveactions have helped bring us to where we are today, ready to begin Phase 2 of reopening.”
Casinos and their accompanying hotels, which have been closed since mid-March to comply with Gov. Steve Sisolak’s emergency order, are scheduled to reopen June 4, but with restrictions.
Total occupancy is limited to 50 percent, with only three players at a time at blackjack tables and four at poker tables.
Casino employees will be required to wear masks, and guests will be encouraged to do so.
Hand sanitation stations will be set up throughout the casinos, and plexiglass barriers are likely at card tables.
While the casinos are reopening, nightclubs, brothels and strip clubs are not.