Georgia House District 40 Election: A Q&A with candidate Matt Bentley

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SMYRNA, Ga. — Matt Bentley, a lawyer, is one of two candidates vying for the Republican nomination for District 40 seat in the state House.

Bentley and Taryn Bowman are aiming to replace Rich Golick, a Republican, who is not seeking re-election. Early voting is under way for the May 22 election.

On the Democratic side, Erick Allen and Sandra Bullock are vying for their party’s nomination.

What are the biggest issues facing the district and the state?

If elected as our community’s State Representative, my top three priorities will be lowering our taxes, growing the economy and improving education opportunities for the children of Georgia. We need to lower our tax base to make sure Georgia is competitive not only compared to our neighboring states in the southeast but also in the global economy. If we make sure Georgia’s economy is competitive we will ensure more economic opportunities for all Georgians. I truly believe that rising tides raise all ships. With new opportunities in Georgia it’s imperative that our children are prepared with a quality education. I will work to reduce taxes, make our economic environment is conducive for growth and that our children have access to quality education.

Why should voters cast a ballot for you?

I am a seventh generation Cobb Countian. I was raised in Vinings and now live in Smyrna. I believe in the American Dream and the principles that founded it: lower taxes, less government, free market economy, individual responsibility and access to a great education. I have the support of strong conservative leaders in the community like Sheriff Neil Warren, District Attorney Vic Reynolds, and Cobb Commissioner Bob Ott. They trust me to do what is right, and what is republican, for our district. Unlike my opponent, I have never voted in a democratic primary.

What is the first legislation or initiative you plan on pursuing as a House member?

I will push to eliminate the State Income Tax immediately, and fight to maintain Cobb County’s senior property tax exemption. For too long, career politicians have frivolously spent your money. I will fight for conservative reforms that lower or eliminate the state income tax, while preserving the senior property tax exemption.

What else would you like voters to know?

I am the only candidate who thanked our military and veterans for the opportunity to speak freely at the Vinings debate. You can rest assured that I will always be an advocate for our veterans. I am also the only candidate to go on the record in the Marietta Daily Journal advocating for government accountability.

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About Todd DeFeo 1675 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and