Buckhead community cites traffic as biggest problem, opposes streetcar, BBA survey reveals

ATLANTA — Traffic is the biggest problem facing the Buckhead community, but there is apparently little widespread support for the addition of a streetcar as a congestion-curbing tactic.

20151120_170556That’s according to a new Buckhead Business Association (BBA) survey of 167 qualified respondents who live, work or play in the Buckhead community.

When asked the biggest problem facing Buckhead, 64.7 percent said traffic. A further 15 percent cited too much crime, while 7.8 percent said the lack of mass transit.

When asked to weigh in on how important bringing a streetcar to Buckhead would be, 40.1 percent said it was not at all important, while 15.6 percent it was not very important. Just 14.4 percent said it was very important and 16.2 percent said it was fairly important.

Furthermore, 33.5 percent of respondents said the addition of a streetcar in Buckhead would make the traffic worse or much worse. Just 18 percent said they believe the streetcar would actually make traffic better or much better.

“I would support more mass transit as long as it is NOT the streetcar,” one respondent submitted as part of the survey. Said another: “A streetcar would be great, but the area lacks the infrastructure framework to sustain a streetcar … other than on Peachtree Street, which is not ideal at all.”

Interestingly, respondents are fairly divided on whether they would pay an additional tax, such as a 1-cent sales tax, to support more mass transit. A total of 41.9 percent said yes, while 40.7 percent said no; a further 17.4 percent said they didn’t know if they would support an additional tax.

On the issue of policing, 77.8 percent of respondents said they would like to see a stronger police presence in Buckhead. 83.2 percent said they support the addition of police cameras in Buckhead and across the city.

Some other feedback respondents offered include:

  • “Traffic is a mess and walkability is pathetic.”
  • “We need to build up infrastructure, mass transit.”
  • “Buckhead used to be much more inclusive. Now it’s expensive to live and expensive to work and traffic is so bad I avoid being in Buckhead when I don’t have to.”
  • “I believe that the developers who are building the new commercial and residential buildings should foot the bill for increased infrastructure, new roads, road maintenance, safety & fire protection rather than the residents and people who patronize the Buckhead businesses.”
  • “Wouldn’t mind additional police presence – if to serve and protect as opposed to targeting speeders for city coffers.”

The DeFeo Groupe conducted the online survey between Nov. 10 and Nov. 17 on behalf of the Buckhead Business Association (BBA). The survey of 167 qualified respondents was designed to provide Buckhead business leaders with an overview of the community’s thoughts on a number of hot-button issues.

For more information, visit buckheadbusiness.org.

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About Todd DeFeo 1675 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and Railfanning.org.