DUNWOODY, Ga. — It’s a four-way race for Dunwoody mayor this year.
Incumbent Mike Davis is facing three challengers in the Nov. 3 election: Steve Chipka, Chris Grivakis and former Mayor Pro Tem Denis Shortal. Pam Tallmadge in running unopposed to fill Shortal’s Post 1 seat.
“I believe the city and its citizens are going to face significant growth over the next few years, and I would like to be part of the team that brings fresh ideas, based on your input, in managing the growth for the betterment of the city,” The (Dunwoody) Crier quoted Tallmadge as saying.
In addition, a trio of City Council posts will also be on the ballot. But, only one of the seats is contested.
Becky Springer is challenging incumbent Terry Nall faces in Post 4. Meanwhile, incumbent Lynn Deutsch in unopposed in Post 5 as is incumbent John Heneghan in post 6.
Meanwhile, the city on Friday said the DeKalb County Board of Registration and Elections is reissuing absentee voting ballots in Dunwoody. The original ballots included incorrect listings and missing at-large candidate information.