New York City quality of life not so good, poll reveals

There is more bad news for Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York City.

A new poll from Quinnipiac University poll reveals just one in three New York City voters consider quality of life in the city to be “good” or “very good.”

That is the lowest number ever measured, Quinnipiac said. Meanwhile, another poll from Quinnipiac reveals fewer voters in New York City say de Blasio, a Democrat, does not deserve reelection, though a Democratic primary is not until 2017.

Nearly half (48 percent) of voters say the quality of life in the city has worsened in recent years, according to the Quinnipiac poll. Conversely, just 19 percent say the quality of life is better, while 32 percent the quality of life is about the same.

Other findings:

  • 46 percent of voters say crime is a “very serious” problem in New York City, which Quinnipiac said was an all-time high for the category
  • 53 percent say they see more homeless people today than they did a few years ago
  • 49 percent have encountered more homeless people asking for money
  • 53 percent approve of how police are doing their job to 41 percent who disapprove
  • 52 percent approve of the job of Police Commissioner William Bratton

“The quality of life in New York City isn’t good and it’s getting worse, many voters think,” Quinnipiac University Poll Assistant Director Maurice Carroll said in a news release. “It’s not just newspaper hype about the return of the bad old days, New Yorkers say. Many are seeing more homeless people on the streets and encountering more pan-handlers.”

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About Todd DeFeo 1675 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and