A cigar handmade in Honduras was selected as the Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado Magazine.
The Alec Bradley Prensado Churchill scored a 96 out of a 100 to claim the honor for 2011. The magazine tested more than 700 cigars in choosing its Cigar of the Year.
“It’s no small feat to rise to the top of a collection of more than 700 cigars,” Marvin R. Shanken, editor and publisher of Cigar Aficionado, said in a news release. “This Alec Bradley is an amazing cigar. We congratulate Alan Rubin, owner of Alec Bradley on his great accomplishment.”
The cigar, made by hand in Honduras, retails for $10.25. The magazine noted that some of the cigars it tested retail for twice as much as the Alec Bradley Prensado Churchill.