Disputed report: Paterno contacts defense attorney

Legendary Penn State football Coach Joe Paterno has “reached out” to a criminal defense attorney with an Atlanta-based firm, NBC news reported.

The Paterno camp, according to the report, reached out to J. Sedgwick Sollers, the managing partner of King & Spalding’s Washington’s office, NBC News National Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff reported.

Paterno was fired Wednesday in the wake of a child sex abuse scandal involving former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky. Sandusky and two university administrators have been charged with criminal offenses.

On Twitter, Paterno’s son, Scott, disputed the report, saying: “To be clear, no lawyer has been retained.  Not sure where that report originated.”

For more: http://openchannel.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/11/10/8742718-paterno-contacts-criminal-defense-lawyer-source-tells-nbc-news

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