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State Supreme Court changes rule to avoid fee increase

As part of a lengthy bill raising a number of fees statewide, the cost of copying files of cases on appeal would significantly increase. HB 1055, which Gov. Sonny Perdue signed into law on May 12, increased the cost to copy files from $1.50 per page to $10 per page – or from $750 to $5,000 for a 500-page file. But the state’s Supreme Court has created a work around aimed at keeping costs down.

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Perdue signs bill closing seatbelt loophole

ATLANTA – Gov. Sonny Perdue today signed into law a bill to close a loophole and require both the driver and passenger of a pickup truck to buckle up. “Pick-ups have changed over the years, and are often used to get back and forth to work on an everyday basis. Today, they are out on our expressways and bypasses, as well as farms,” Perdue said in a news release. “We all recognize that seatbelts save