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Businesses in a bind? Leisure travelers may benefit

The brouhaha over business travel could be a boon for leisure travelers, according to an expert with an online travel Web site. “Leisure travelers who want the most bang for their buck on vacation this year should look to the big cities that traditionally do a lot of business in conventions and corporate events,” Brian Ek of said in a news release. “Cities to check out would include Las Vegas, New York, New Orleans,

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Survey: 66 percent plan to take same number of trips as last year

A new survey by an off-site airport parking company found that 66 percent of its travel customers – both business and leisure – plan to travel just as much in 2009 as they did last year. However, the survey from Fast Park also revealed that while people don’t want to cut the number of trips they take, they are looking to save money on those trips. It’s no surprise that 50 percent plan to look

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Association: Tone down the rhetoric about travel

A new campaign from the U.S Travel Association aims to “challenge policymakers to tone down the dangerous rhetoric, embrace sensible guidelines for companies receiving assistance and promote travel as an economic solution.” Business travel, the group says, accounts for 15 percent of the nation’s travel, creates 1 million jobs and generates $16 billion in tax revenues annually. But, in recent weeks, some politicians have called out companies for taking junkets, saying they are unnecessary and

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Odd vs. even: What gives?

It wasn’t until the 1920s – once the automobile revolution was in full swing – that officials decided to start using standard signs and the odd-even road designations for the nation’s 3 million miles of roads.