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Law & Order

Ga. Senate passes measure to curb pill mills

ATLANTA — The Georgia Senate has approved a measure aimed at stemming the spread of pill mills in the Peach State. The Senate voted 49-3 in favor of House Bill 972. Under the measure, which the state House previously approved, the Georgia Composite Medical Board would have the power to license and regulate pain management clinics. “Prescription drug abuse in Georgia has increased at an alarming rate in recent years, wreaking havoc in communities across

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‘Black market tobacco sales create unfair competition’

ATLANTA – The Georgia House of Representatives last week passed a measure aimed at decreasing the sales of so-called “black market” cigarettes and cigars in Georgia. HB 1071, sponsored by state Rep. Penny Houston, R-Nashville, eliminates the lifetime license for retail sales of tobacco. Instead, the measure would, if signed into law, create a one-year license for tobacco merchants. The measure, which is now in the state Senate, would set penalties for tobacco illegally brought

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Lawmakers look to expand where Commandments could hang

ATLANTA — The Ten Commandments, along with other historical documents, would be allowed to be posted in any public statewide under a measure the state House approved this week. The House on Tuesday voted 161-0 in favor of House Bill 766. The measure would remove restrictions as to where so-called Foundations of American Law and Government displays could be posted. Under previous law, such displays were limited to “public courthouses and judicial facilities.” The revised

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Law & Order

Lawmakers look to expand where Commandments could hang

ATLANTA — The Ten Commandments, along with other historical documents, would be allowed to be posted in any public statewide under a measure the state House approved this week. The House on Tuesday voted 161-0 in favor of House Bill 766. The measure would remove restrictions as to where so-called Foundations of American Law and Government displays could be posted. Under previous law, such displays were limited to “public courthouses and judicial facilities.” The revised

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Law & Order

Group: Enact new assisted suicide ban

A pro-life group is calling on the Georgia legislature to enact a ban on assisted suicides, saying the state is at risk “to become a haven for merchants of death unless we act.” The state’s Supreme Court on Monday unanimously struck down the state’s ban on assisted suicides that were offered publically. The state’s ban violated free speech protections, the court said. “We understand the pain of terminal illnesses, but taking a human life in

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Op-Ed: Busy week in the Georgia Senate

ATLANTA — As the 2012 legislative session progresses, there is a growing number of bills being sent to the Senate floor. We are now at a point where it is not uncommon to see five or six bills in the well on any given day. In an effort to eliminate government waste and streamline operations, the Senate passed SB 223 this week. This bill is also known as the Georgia Government Accountability Act.  Often referred

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Lawmakers target negligent dog owners

A pair of Georgia lawmakers are pushing legislation that would penalize negligent dog owners whose animals attack and either kill or seriously injure another person. “Dog attacks typically should not happen because they are so easily preventable,” state Rep. Amy Carter, R-Valdosta, said in a statement. “While we are all free to own any type of dog we wish, all dog owners must realize their responsibility to protect their family, neighbors, and the public at