General Push Down & Turn to Bring Talent to Campus September 7, 1999 Todd DeFeo There are few bands who have the ability to perform with such intensity so as to bring the music to a new level yet maintain the intimacy of a well-composed song.
General Aestivalia Promises Variety of Music, Outdoor Activities April 19, 1999 Todd DeFeo The festival kicks off at 4 p.m. on Saturday (April 24).
General Music Prof to Take Center Stage April 19, 1999 Todd DeFeo The show begins at 8 p.m. and is free of charge to Denison students and the general public.
General Disco Biscuits Perform In Roost December 7, 1998 Joe Nevark This Wednesday, Dec. 9, jam band The Disco Biscuits will be performing in the Roost.