Articles by NewsUSA

Avoid cozying up to bed bugs

Pak Mail: Lose the baggage before your next flight
It’s never been harder to pack for a flight. Airlines’ three-ounce rule, which forbids any liquid or gel in a bottle over three ounces in size, means repackaging personal products or buying sample-sized items for your carry-on bag. At the same time, most airlines now charge for checked bags and enforce rigid restrictions on height and weight.

German town continues passion play tradition
We all engage in little traditions, but we usually do so on a family-basis — rarely does the whole town get involved. And yet, that’s exactly what happens in the village of Oberammergau in Bavaria, Germany, where townspeople come together every 10 years to put on a huge Passion Play, involving over a thousand actors.

Tips for Fantastic Summer Road Trips
The summer road trip is an American tradition. Each year, families across the country pack up their belongings and brave the roads to visit relatives, explore national parks and snap family photos at popular tourist destinations. Before departing on this year’s family road trip, make sure that your vehicle is in proper working order by following a few important maintenance tips.