The Buckeye Institute Releases Economic Freedom of North America 2023 Report

Artist Andrew Scott's stainless steel, 30-foot-long gavel was installed in 2008 outside the the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center, home of the Ohio Supreme Court in Columbus, Ohio. Designed by architect Harry Hake, the building began its life in 1932 as an office building for the fast-expanding state government, after a natural-gas explosion that killed 11 workers delayed construction. In the early 2000s, the structure was gradually renovated and converted into the state's legal building. In 2011, it was re-dedicated as the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center in honor of the late state chief justice.

In 2023, Ohio moved up two spots in the Economic Freedom of North America 2023 report, ranking 33rd out of all 50 states.

The report, released by the Economic Research Center at The Buckeye Institute in partnership with Canada’s Fraser Institute, ranks every state and province in North America based on economic freedom, measured by government spending, taxation, and labor-market freedom.

“In 2023, Ohio ranked a mediocre 33 among the 50 states, marking a minor improvement over the state’s ranking of 35 in 2022,” said Zachary D. Cady, associate economist with the Economic Research Center and The Buckeye Institute. “Recent tax reforms and regulatory rollbacks should improve the state’s future rankings, but to be more competitive, Ohio must rein in its government spending and continue making sound tax and regulatory reforms.”

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