Be safe this New Year and have a good one

An Instagram Tour of New Zealand
(Photos by Todd DeFeo/The DeFeo Groupe)

This New Year, Police encourage people celebrating to enjoy themselves, but to be sensible, look after your mates and make sure everyone gets home safely.

There will be a strong Police presence across the country tonight, focusing on prevention and helping those celebrating to stay safe.

We all have a responsibility to ensure our friends and loved ones are safe this summer, so keep an eye out and report any concerns you have.

If you feel unsafe or have concerns about dangerous, illegal or suspicious behaviour, call Police on 111.

For non-urgent concerns you can call 105 or visit and report the incident online.

Last year, in addition to our frontline staff being kept busy, our communications centre experienced high demand, so please be patient and show some respect and kindness towards those helping you.

During New Year we often see a peak in people driving on the roads, so be patient, keep calm, drive sober and if you are feeling tired – pull over.

Any time, every day, we are here to help – Ao te pō, pō te ao, kei konei mātou hei āwhina.

About New Zealand Police 11 Articles
New Zealand Police delivers services that ensure people can be safe and feel safe in their homes, on our roads and in their communities. Police operate 24 hours a day in a complex environment, actively targeting and preventing crime and harm. With around 15,000 staff, the New Zealand Police works from urban and rural stations and larger policing hubs.