American tourists delivering more significant impact to Curaçao economy

A view of Handelskade in Willemstad, Curaçao, on March 4, 2017. (Photo by Todd DeFeo/The DeFeo Groupe)

American tourists delivered a $99.2 million direct impact on the Curaçao economy during the first two months of 2018.

That is a 2 percent increase from the $97.7 impact they delivered during the first two months of 2017. More than half (52 percent) of the direct impact comes from European visitors, island tourism officials said.

The increase comes as the number of so-called stayover tourists decreased by 1 percent during the first two months of the year. However, the number of nights North American tourists stayed on the Caribbean island increased 15 percent in January and February.

Palazzo Vecchio
About Sightseers’ Delight 869 Articles
Sightseers’ Delight started publishing in June 2016. The site, published by The DeFeo Groupe, collects and curates content about places where historical events large and small happened. The site builds off the legacy of The Travel Trolley, which launched in June 2009. The site aimed to be a virtual version of the trolley tours offered in so many cities.