Authorities building anti-terror barrier around Eiffel Towel

Eiffel Tower
Day and night photos of the Eiffel Tower in 2014. (Photos and collage by Todd DeFeo/The DeFeo Groupe)

French authorities are planning to erect a bulletproof anti-terror barrier around the Eiffel Towel, according to published reports.

The structure, which may be made of glass, is the latest anti-terror measure in a country that has been hit with a spate of radical Islamic terror attacks in recent years.

“Sadly, the risk of terrorism hasn’t gone away,” Bloomberg quoted Paris’ deputy mayor Jean-François Martins as saying during a press conference. “It’s not a wall, it’s an aesthetic perimeter.”

The New York Times quoted Martins as saying: “It could be glass, it could also be wrought iron.”

A metal fence was built around the tower last year, and armed soldiers are a regular site around the tower. And, even after the barrier is constructed, guests will likely be able to visit the base of the famed tower at no cost, but will have to first pass through a security checkpoint, reports suggest.

Palazzo Vecchio
About Sightseers’ Delight 868 Articles
Sightseers’ Delight started publishing in June 2016. The site, published by The DeFeo Groupe, collects and curates content about places where historical events large and small happened. The site builds off the legacy of The Travel Trolley, which launched in June 2009. The site aimed to be a virtual version of the trolley tours offered in so many cities.