ATLANTA — A state lawmaker has withdrawn his sponsorship of a trio of bills aimed at honoring Confederate heritage following controversial remarks about the KKK.
State Rep. Tommy Benton, R-Jefferson, was a sponsor of House Bills 854, HB 855 and HR 1179. HR 1179 was a proposed amendment to the state Constitution that, if approved, would require the state to “maintain an appropriate and suitable memorial to the Confederacy at Stone Mountain” and “to protect and preserve the carving on Stone Mountain.”
Benton withdrew his sponsorship following his remarks that the KKK was “a vigilante thing to keep law and order.” His remarks drew sharp rebukes from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.
“It was not my intention to create a situation whereby my comments would create a negative perception,” The Associated Press quoted Benton as saying in a written statement on Monday. “Therefore, today I am withdrawing my sponsorship of HB 854, HB 855 and HR 1179 to allow the business of the House to move forward in an orderly manner.”
6 Reasons to Fly the Confederate Flag.
1. It is the last flag to represent the concept of local control of ones’ life in America. It represents the same values and principles as the original U.S. Betsy Ross Flag: Limited Constitutional Federal Government, States Rights, Resistance to Tyranny, and Christian Principles and Values. Thus it represents “government of the people, by the people, and for the people with the consent of the governed”.
2. It is an internationally recognized symbol of resistance to tyranny. In 1981 Poland chose the Confederate Battle Flag to represent the Solidarity movement against Russian Communism. Also it was flying over the Berlin Wall when it was being torn down in 1989.
3. It reminds all who see it that government is to be held accountable for its actions, and if those actions are viewed as not in the best interest of the people, there is a price to be paid for it. The power of this powerful symbol of freedom has not been lost upon the Socialist-Communist Liberal Left (aka Democratic Party) and proponents of the New World Order One World Government.
4. By its nature, the Confederate battle flag is a solely Christian symbol that is emulated by several international governments today because of that fact .
5. It represents the valor and sacrifice of our Southern ancestors – called by Winston Churchill the bravest soldiers who ever lived – who displayed ultimate bravery in the face of overwhelming odds and blatant tyranny and despotism on behalf of the Yankee government that invaded our Southern homeland.
6. Finally, like it or not, it was, is, and will be the flag of the region we Southerners call home, the Southland. We are Americans, true, but we are also proud Southerners.
Very few people have ever heard of the Union League. It has been kept from American history books by dishonest and biased Northern historians. History is always written by the winner (victor) of a war. The UNION LEAGUE was uncle Sam’s terrorist organization operated by Yankee Radical Carpetbaggers. They were like war lords with thousands of blacks enrolled in the terrorist organization. The Yankee carpetbaggers had them doing their mischief against white Southerners–burning houses and barns, shooting livestock, poisoning wells, and committing murder and rape. The atrocities of the UNION LEAGUE is what caused the KKK to form and spread across the occupied Southern states. The KKK was a police organization and a resistance organization similar to the French resistance in World War II.
(NOTE-I disdain the modern Klan-This information only applies to the original Klan during so called “Reconstruction” which was the plunder, pillage, and rape of the Southern states). Don’t expect to find the UNION LEAGUE in any American History book. When the white Yankee Carpetbaggers packed up and went back North in 1877 they left the blacks to face the wrath of white Southerners for all the atrocities the white Yankees had them to do. This led to segregation and Jim Crow laws–the most non-violent thing the South could have done.