What happened when Mets fans were too loud in Turner Field is hysterical

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The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation has unveiled its annual “Places in Peril” list, which aims to raise awareness about significant historic structures facing an uncertain future.

New York Mets fans by the hundreds turned out to Turner Field on Saturday to cheer on the Amazins. That’s no surprise, given the number of transplants in the Atlanta area, but this was no ordinary night at the ballpark.

The show of force by the orange-clad Mets fans promoted confusion among some Atlanta Braves fans, complains to security and surprise by Braves announcers on the television and radio broadcasts. Despite a 6-4 loss and repeated visits from Atlanta Braves’ security, the contingent of Mets fans was apparently too loud for Turner Field.

Too loud?  Isn’t this a sporting event?

The outing was organized by The 7 Line Army and saw more than 750 fans from 17 states take over sections in the outfield at Turner Field. Fox Sports South spent a decent amount of time talking about the cheering Mets fans, and as The Associated Press (via USA Today) noted:

A large group of Mets fans, most wearing orange “Mets fans have more fun” T-shirts, took over four sections of the left-field seats.

The fans chanted throughout the game, including a “Why so quiet?” inquiry of Braves fans in the fifth inning.

About an hour before first pitch, a sea of Mets faithful made their way from a massive tailgate in the Turner Field parking lot to their seats. The walk prompted a number of double takes by Atlanta Braves fans that seemed confused by the massive influx of Mets fans.

Even Braves fans by the handful turned around to snap cell phone photos of the boisterous contingent of fans. Even if just for a night, the 7 Line Army gave Turner Field a feel of the old Shea Stadium.

The noise level continued to increase leading up to first pitch, and the cheering intensified as outfielder Curtis Granderson led off the game with a single and infielder Reuben Tejada followed up with one of his own.

However, the intensity of cheering and the use of thunder sticks apparently prompted a number of complaints among Braves fans. In response, Atlanta police officers and Turner Field security guards were dispatched to the section.

An Atlanta police officer declined to say why the thunder sticks were not allowed. The Atlanta Braves did not respond to an inquiry on social media.

Though thunder sticks may be frowned upon at the old ballpark, foam tomahawks, awful dancing on the outfield jumbotron and a chant rooting on the Florida State Seminoles are still a park of America’s pastime in Atlanta. Also, it seems odd that the big screen at one point called on fans to be “louder.”

Apparently, that only applies to Braves fans? As one Twitter user noted, anyone upset by the cheering has two options: cheer louder or show up at the game and out-cheer visiting fans.

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About Todd DeFeo 1675 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and Railfanning.org.