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Travelocity: As temperatures climb, summer hotel rates fall

A recent pricing report from Travelocity indicates cheap hotels are still available for summer travel, and while airfare for summer has risen slightly, hotel rates have decreased. On May 20, 2010, summer’s average domestic hotel rate was $140 and international hotel rate was $201, according to Travelocity. As of mid-July, average domestic hotel rates dropped to $131 and average international rates to $182. At the same time, the average domestic airfare rose in price from

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FAA: Mexico does not meet ICAO Safety standards

Mexico is not in compliance with international safety standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the Federal Aviation Administration contends, and Mexican airlines cannot establish new service to the United States, at least for now. The agency made the announcement following “an assessment of the country’s civil aviation authority,” it said. As a result, the United States is downgrading Mexico from a Category 1 to Category 2 rating, and with the Category 2