Commentary: Perhaps a Proofreader Should Have Been Included in the Bailout

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In an official letter dated July 21, 2009, Rep. David Scott called Obama “President-elect.” Huh? Guess he didn’t read that either.

I first called Rep. Scott’s office in February to inquire whether he read the bailout bill before casting a vote in favor of the legislation. No response.

I called again about the “cap and tax” bill. I called last Thursday, July 16, and again asked whether the Congressman read the bailout bill before voting. A woman named Tammy, a legislative assistant in Rep. Scott’s office (I believe), told me “nobody did” read the bill before voting. I guess that makes it okay. If everybody else was jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge…

If nothing else, I do appreciate the honesty. I’m actually surprised she was so blunt. That prompted me to inquire why the Congressman felt it was appropriate for him to vote on a piece of legislation he had not read. Tammy promised me an e-mail response by Friday, July 17.

I did not receive the response. Frankly, I was not surprised.

I called Rep. Scott’s office again on Monday, July 20. I was told I would receive an e-mail or a letter in the mail. I received the letter today. I was not surprised that it was a form letter that it did not address my inquiry. However, I was surprised when I started reading it and saw that Rep. Scott referred to “President-elect Obama.”

There are other mistakes. Read it for yourself: Page 1 | Page 2 (my name and address have been removed).

Perhaps a Congressional proofreader for form letters should have been included in the bailout bill.

(c) 2009 Todd DeFeo. All rights reserved.

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About Todd DeFeo 1672 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and