‘Actions Speak Louder Than Words’

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“There was no differentiation on the civilian parts and on the military parts,” said Ambassador Abdul Zaeef. “According to the Americans, their objectives and their aims were military and terrorist camps.”

If the United States has an agenda to destroy the entire Muslim world, as the Taliban would suggest, then one question is obvious: Why has the military used such incapable weapons?

We have long stockpiled weapons of mass destruction. We had a decade to weapons stockpiling in direct competition with the Soviet Union. We have ICBMs throughout the continental United States that can hit any target in the world. We even pondered putting weapons in space. Yet, in our mission to eradicate the Muslin community in the Middle Eastern, we only kill 20 people. The numbers do not match the facts.

Does the Taliban truly think this is the United States’ attempt to wipe out the Middle East way of life? The fact of the matter is that they have dug their own grave and their destiny has been determined by their actions. They chose to harbor terrorists and bring about their own demise. Sadly, they have brought with them many of the people of Afghanistan.

If the United States is at war against the Middle Eastern way of life, how can anyone explain the food and medicine dropped?

Simply, it cannot be explained in the context of United States’ goal to exterminate the Middle East way of life. In layman’s terms: The United States does not wish to destroy the Middle Eastern way of life, only the terrorists’ way of life. If no one in the Middle East believes President George W. Bush’s words, than use the United States precision bombing and strategic targeting as evidence.

In the spirit of true revenge, we could claim: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”

About Todd DeFeo 1662 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and Railfanning.org.