Review: Bruce Springsten The E Street Band, Live in New York City

Some things get better with age such as fine wine and cheese. We’ll add Bruce Springsteen The E Street Band to the list.

It’s been 13 years since they last toured to support “Tunnel of Love” their 1988 release However, in 1999 old and new Springsteen fans alike had a dream come true a new world tour.

The result of this tour is a twodisccompilation featuring highlights from the groups June 29 and July 1 2000 shows at Madison Square Garden.

What is so incredible about this compilation are the songs. Everyone has favorite Springtseen songs, but this album offers rare treats and live performances.

While everyone expects the classics, “Born in the U.S.A.” and “Born to Run,” both of which are on the album, there are also surprises even for the hardcore fan with Lost in the Flood and Ramrod.

The opening track of the album “My Love Will Not Let You Down” sets a rocking pace for the entire album. The song which was originally recorded for the Born in the USA album was first released on Springteen’s 1998 box set Tracks The highlight of disc one is track 10 “Out in the Street.” Originally released on 1980’s “The River” this song seems to be theredheaded stepchild of Springsteen songs.

Disc two opens with a 15-minute performance of a true Springsteen classic, “Tenth Avenue Freeze Out” complete with a break-down featuring “Take Me to the River” and “Its All Right.” This track will leave you begging for more.

Once it concludes the drum beat of a new Springsteen song begins Land of Hopes and Dreams is by far the best Springsteen of the past decade. If that is still not enough then comes another new song American Skin 41 Shots written about the death of Amadou Diallo in 1999.

The 10-minute, 54-second epic “Jungleland” is the masterpiece of the album. It starts off slow rocks in the middle and leaves you begging for more. If the original album version was nothing short of awesome then this version is perfection.

The album closes with “If I Should Fall Behind,” a song originally recorded by Springsteen on 1992’s Lucky Town one of several non-E Street Band albums that Springtseen has released throughout his career. After years of no E Street Band it seemed like they would never reunite to once again demonstrate their awesome ability to perform Luckily this album stands as atestament that anything is possible.

Grade: A

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About Todd DeFeo 1675 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and