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Why you should visit the town you never thought about visiting

BIRMINGHAM, Michigan — When you think about it, there are so many small towns across America, and it would be hard to visit everyone.

Yet, we tend to look at big cities, particularly stateside, when picking where to visit. A few main suspects come to mind: New York City, Chicago and maybe even somewhere like Atlanta.

That leaves places like Columbus, Ohio, and Central Ohio, one of my favorite areas to visit, lower on the list. That’s a shame.

I’ve said it before and will say it again, my approach to travel has changed since COVID. I focus less on seeing everything a town has to offer and more on enjoying the vibe a destination offers.

Look, I’m not going to give up my love for museums and historical sites and opt to “shop till I drop.” But I’ll survive if I don’t see every attraction that tops the local guidebook.

My travels this time brought me to the Detroit suburb of Birmingham. I know it doesn’t rise to the top of most people’s lists, but maybe that’s the point.

Travel should be about new experiences. I think that goes without saying. I recognize that everyone isn’t going to bungee jump from Auckland’s Harbour Bridge as part of their exploration of something new. I know I won’t.

But that’s okay, too. Travel is personal, and there’s not one way to travel. What works for me may not work for you. I may like museums; you may like escape rooms or haunted houses.

This leads me to my next point: What good are the guidebooks? They’re always pushing visitors to the “major” attractions.

It’s understandable to some degree. They’re designed as one-size-fits-all publications — there’s no way they can make a customized guide for everyone, especially the printed editions.

Instead, you could visit a cigar bar like Churchill’s Bistro Cigar Bar and be the only one not smoking. Even the dude at the host stand was smoking a cigar.

I love a good cigar, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes, sitting around and smoking cigars is a bit much on a Thursday, and believe me, I’m not judging. I’m a bit jealous.

Plus, when you check out the local pub, you can overhear some pretty bizarre conversations, even when you’re trying to tune everyone else out.

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