Rare: These are the airline traveler habits that ignite the rage of their fellow flyers

(Photo by Todd DeFeo)

While a debate rages about whether airlines are offering the right mixture of nuts as part of their in-flight snack options, when it comes to the nuts with seat assignments, it’s clear — it’s a mixed bag.

Surely there is some room for debate about the whole air travel experience. But according to a new survey, many fellow airline passengers are quite annoying, and it starts with the so-called Rear Seat Kickers.

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About Todd DeFeo 1661 Articles
Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is the owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and Railfanning.org.