During March and April Athens, Ga., is offering a number of festivals. Here is a quick look at those festivals:
March 2015
The 7th annual Jewish Film Festival will be held in Athens March 15-18, kicking off with an Opening Gala on March 14. The Opening Gala will be hosted at the Georgia Museum of Art with the rest of the festivities taking place at Ciné in downtown Athens. Festival programming includes a variety of films that celebrate Jewish interests, discussions with visiting filmmakers, a short filmmaking
The popular Slingshot Athens Music & Arts Festival is set to take over downtown Athens March 26–28. Spread over five city blocks and dozens of venues, Slingshot brings international, national and local artists to the spotlight. The festival champions music, comedy, electronic art, a technology conference and film while boasting a uniquely Athens culture. More information on line-ups, ticketing and scheduling can be found at www.slingshotathens.com.
April 2015
On April 11 the Fabulous 40 Watt in downtown Athens will host the 14th Annual FLUKE Mini-Comics Festival. FLUKE prides itself on not being the standard, large comic convention and merchandising event, but rather a small venue for the discussion and exchange of mini-comic, magazine and independent publishing information. Additional information on FLUKE can be found at www.flukeisawesome.
College Square in downtown Athens will be home to the International Street Festival on April 11. Boasting an attendance of 3,000-5,000 visitors each year, the family-friendly festival programming includes informative and interactive student displays, musical and dance performances, crafts and more. Dozens of UGA international student and community organizations sponsor this 17-year strong event. More information on the International Street Festival can be located at www.isl.uga.edu.
Athens will host Plantapalooza!, three simultaneous plant sales, on April 11. Participants will find a vast assortment of unique plants that are often difficult to find at the event’s three locations of The State Botanical Garden’s Visitor Center and Conservatory, The Trial Gardens at UGA and the UGA Horticulture Club. Additional information on the annual event can be found at www.bot.uga.edu.
The 20th Annual Classic City Brew Fest will be hosted at Graduate Athens on April 12. Festivities will expand across three of the hotel’s meeting halls, the music venue, terrace and central pavilion in addition to tours of Athens‘ own Terrapin Beer Co. and restaurant tastings. Festival attendees have the opportunity to sample an estimated 350 rare, regional and world craft beers while enjoying live music and good company. All proceeds from the event benefit the Athens-Area Humane Society. Additional information on Classic City Brew Fest can be found at www.classiccitybrew.com.
The 22nd Annual Piedmont Gardeners Tour on April 18 features access to five local, private gardens. The event will be hosted rain or shine and all proceeds go towards a scholarship fund for UGA students studying horticulture or other related fields. More information on the event can be accessed at www.piedmontgardeners.org.
The 36th Annual Twilight Criterium in downtown Athens is a professional cycling event and festival tailored to be enjoyed by fans, families and racers alike. Held April 24–25, it is a favorite spot on the national cycling tour circuit both for its unique evening format and the large, energetic crowds that gather in Athens’ vibrant downtown. The event was founded in 1980 by Gene Dixon, serving as the first nighttime cycling race in the United States in over 60 years. Twilight Criterium has since grown from 40 cyclists to 150 competitors plus races, kid-friendly events and more. Additional information on Twilight Criterium can be found at www.athenstwilight.com.
May 2015
The 37th annual Athens Human Rights Festival will be held May 2-3. The event will be held at College Square in downtown and promises speakers from local, national and global organizations and live music while the younger crowd enjoys an array of informational booths and youth performances. Detailed information on the festival’s history and schedule can be found at www.athenshumanrightsfest.org.