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New Jersey launches state’s celebration of the nation’s 250th anniversary

New Jersey officials launched the state’s celebration of the nation’s 250th anniversary on Friday, the start of a multi-year schedule of events and projects that will take place through the nation’s semiquincentennial from 2026 to 2033.

RevolutionNJ is leading the planning and promoting of the state’s 250th anniversary commemoration. Additionally, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has been leading enhancements to the state’s Revolutionary War historic sites.

In 2022, New Jersey announced a $25 million investment from federal American Rescue Plan funds would be allocated to RevolutionNJ, in partnership with the New Jersey Historical Commission and Crossroads of the American Revolution, to help restore several Revolutionary War sites:

The Garden State is also investing in constructing a new permanent gallery space in downtown Trenton at the New Jersey State Archives. Along with the State Museum, this new gallery will launch an exhibit examining New Jersey’s Revolutionary story and showcase some of the state’s foundational historical documents to the public.

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