Sightseers' Delight

Hotel tips and tricks to stay healthy on the road

(StatePoint) Frequent travelers can be all too familiar with the challenges of staying both healthy and productive — countless distractions, fast food joints on every corner and difficulty sleeping in unfamiliar places and beds can make staying on track a challenge. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be such a daunting task, say experts.

“For frequent travelers and business travelers, being on the road is a lifestyle, so finding ways to be healthy and productive is essential,” says Marcey Rader, lifestyle trainer and Extended Stay Savve Traveler. “The key is to recognize your poor habits, find out what works for you, and then develop a routine around them.”

From her years on the road with a corporate position, Rader developed a series of hotel hacks that can assist frequent travelers and mobile professionals wishing to travel productively while also maintaining high health standards. Along with Extended Stay America, Rader is offering some hotel tips and tricks:

Stop making excuses. For happier, healthier, more successful traveling, recognize your unproductive habits and fix them.

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