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Digging for the meaning of life

Life, it seems, is filled with unanswered questions. Case in point: “What is our purpose here on Earth?”

While a valid question, it is not an easily answerable one.

A plethora of questions, some in a similar vein, plague us everyday. And quite often, I would contend, we go about our daily routine without addressing these questions.

Now, I’m no philosopher and I don’t routinely debate deep questions, but it is my belief if we can answer these smaller questions, we will undoubtedly answer the greater question about our own existence on this planet. To that end, I have compiled a few relatively simple questions that I believe, if answered, will help us understand our existence on Earth:

So, there you have it — we’re just a few questions away from answering the greatest question of our existence. Now if we can just get a consensus on these answers, we’d be set.

This column was submitted for publication in December 2004, but was not published because Todd DeFeo ended his association with the newspaper.

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